Students are invited to be Helpers for any levels below the one they’re enrolled in. We’re interested in instilling a sense of accomplishment and leadership, while simultaneously providing continued foundational learning opportunities. Revisiting the basics, especially from a more critical, comprehensive perspective, could be a wonderful way to solidify students’ mastery of material.
Helpers can expect to take part in the following duties:
Collecting students from outside
Taking attendance
Assisting with shoes
Escorting younger students to the bathroom
Walking younger students out to meet their parent or guardian
Demonstrating dance movements and acting as a leader in the classroom
To stay organized and know who to expect, we ask that you sign your child up for the class(es) he/she wishes to be a Helper in via a Sign Up Genius button above (2 Helpers per class). Note: Sr. CORE students will be paid for their time assisting classes.